Yangon protestors raising the three-finger salute of resistance called for the fall of the military regime in flash protests across the city yesterday.
At least three demonstration stunts occurred – and received strong support at the locations and on social media.
About 40 police officers gathered outside Maha Bandula Park in downtown at 3pm, when a protest was expected. However, instead of demonstrators, a truck filled with red balloons arrived an hour later and released its cargo into the sky.
In Tamwe Township, several punk rockers who are well-known for their charity work threw up the three-finger salute – also used as an act of defiance against the military regime in Thailand – and walked off in different directions, each shouting “let the junta fall”.
Immediately the crowd applauded and onlookers, including a middle-aged woman, copied the salute before rushing away from the cameras.
Outside a market in Sanchaung Township, five demonstrators held signs and spoke through a megaphone. “We need to step up and take responsibility during desperate times,” a young woman told the crowd.
Though previous generations had failed to stop military rule, she said, the public should still try.
“We know how difficult it was,” she said. “We must not let this be our legacy. We must not accept what will happen to our children’s healthcare and education. Please join us.”
The activists then applauded, along with the crowd, before quickly leaving the scene. Yangon erupted again with honks, cheers and clapping at 5pm, with another round following at 8pm.
Another demonstration was reported today – this time in Dawei – and yesterday in Mandalay, where police have reportedly been ordered to shoot protestors with rubber bullets and arrest medical workers protesting outside hospitals.