It’s that time of the week again, when your favourite struggling writer—despite being a sour bastard 24/7 365—channels his ‘funny’ persona and desperately tries to entertain all of you boys and girls.
Today we thrust an action star under the spotlight, but before we dissect his accomplishments bear in mind this article is not meant to mock, insult or offend anyone. However, if you are triggered, feel free to send a thoughtful message to [email protected]. Now, on with the show!
Nay Htoo Naing is a father of two, a loving husband, and one of the most successful actors in Myanmar’s B-rated action movie industry. Having starred—typically as the invincible protagonist—in more than 300 films, he can be regarded as the Burmese Chuck Norris. The man also has his own Wikipedia page. Damn.
The handsome full-faced devil wasn’t an overnight success. It took some luck and a little rejection to transition from an army fanatic to the smug watered-down Indiana Jones he is now.
After being turned down for military service for failing a few physical tests, he turned to the great city of Yangon to pursue a career in show business. If you can’t be a real one, you must at least pretend. Amirite?
Working on set, doing odd jobs, including a security guard gig at some point, Nay Htoo Naing had to wait for his shot. But then, at the age of 20, he grasped his first chance to be in front of a camera.
Okay, with his history covered, we can now proceed to the best part of this article. Not the part I tell you about how I spent 99 kyats for a 24-hour Mahar Mobile subscription to watch one of his films.
We’re talking memes, baby. Since most of his characters are invulnerable and most of his ludicrous film titles have a poster with the same giggle factor, parodies were inevitable.
Here's his faced superimposed on what appears to a swat officer in military fatigue, which basically makes no sense.
Although not a meme in its current state, this poster of Nay Htoo Naing from one of his classic films, "Mee Lat War" or "Fire Palm," is one of my favourites. He plays a man who has fire in his palms.
And here’s a meme of Freddy Krueger with the text, “Even Freddy Krueger’s afraid to go to bed; he’s afraid he might dream of Nay Htoo Naing.”
And here’s Nay Htoo Naing obliterating a bee’s nest with his chi—amazing.
Not exactly John Wick, but we'll take it!
With horrible foreshadowing and shameless plot rip-offs, his movies are not destined for the Oscars, but his stone-cold gaze towards a distant horizon may well capture young hearts. And unlike your last romance, Nay Htoo Naing is here to stay.
Please do support our lovely friend, Nay Htoo Naing; watch his movies and share his memes. Catch you next time!